Document Type : Original Article


1 Doktorand in Rechtsphilosophie an der Baqer al-Uloom University

2 Associate Professor of Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payam Noor University, Qom.

3 Assistant Professor of Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Payam Noor University, Qom.


The question of the relationship between religion and ethics dates back as far as the history of philosophy and thought, Among the theories on this issue, Divine Command theory has always had few supporters throughout history and has been severely criticized, In this article, we examine two arguments against this theory. The first argument is designed against Adams' theory, which is the most famous contemporary proponent of this theory, we have shown that Adams has serious problems responding to this argument, and then we examine a second argument recently made by some philosophers of religion and ethics, including Morrison, against this theory. Our claim in the article is that, firstly, although Adams's theory faces serious problems in the face of the first argument, it can defend its theory satisfactorily by making changes and corrections, such as those proposed by Wierenga. Secondly, by making objections to the defense of the proponents and opponents of the second argument, we have made it clear that none of them have succeeded in their efforts. This article uses an analytical method to judge the controversy between proponents and opponents of the two arguments against the Divine Command Theory.


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