Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor Payame Noor University


The "epistemology of God and divine attributes" discusses the possibility of knowing God and his attributes, the ways of knowing the attributes, and how to know them. Allameh Hilli, a theologian from the Hillah School with the Peripatetic method, is both influenced by the philosophical foundations of the Peripatetic and Theology of Khajeh Nasir. Examining God and his attributes with an epistemological approach according to his theological view and his interest in philosophy is the issue of this article. How did Allameh Hilli act in recognizing his attributes of God? To what extent does he benefit from philosophy and theology, and consequently from reason and narration in explaining attributes? If he considers the attributes of God to be Toqifi, how can this be combined with the names and attributes of God and the ways of recognizing the attributes and the reasons given for proving the attributes? To examine this question and answer the questions, we first examine the "possibility of knowing God" and the "ways of knowing Him"; Then we explain the ways of knowing the attributes of God. Allameh Helli believes in the "necessity of knowing God" and explains this "obligation" with rational and narrative reasons. God has an extra-religious view mixed with intra-religion.


  1. منابع

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