Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor Islamic Azad University



The aim of the current research is to investigate and analyze the anthropological views of Ali Shariati and his effectiveness of existentialist approaches to human freedom and responsibility. Shariati formulated his intellectual project by applying Sartre's anthropological theory and emphasizing the role of human will and freedom as the determining factor in liberating man from the four prisons of nature, society, history and self. The main issue is what effect did Sartre's existentialism have on Shariati's anthropological ideas? This research, using the analytical-historical method, wants to analyze the main features of Shariati's anthropological views and its commonalities with existentialist anthropology, and investigate its main and major differences.The findings of this research show that although in his anthropological analysis Shariati, inspired by Sartre's views, deals with the formulation of the concept of man and his individual, social and historical role and responsibility, he tries to use the sacred and divine essence of human existence in the trap of emptiness. Do not get caught up in the existentialist's analysis. While using the conceptual capacities of Sartre's views, he tries to present a kind of existentialism based on religious and divine beliefs against the common materialist doctrines based on the concept of freedom and responsibility.
