Document Type : Original Article


Instructor of Tarbiat Dabir Shahid Rajaei University


debate. Specifically, what is the meaning of revelation in the new age has created many challenges in the field of Islamic thought. The present article deals with a descriptive-analytical and critical-comparative approach to the issue of revelation from the perspective of Allamah Tabatabai (traditional Quran) and Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd (Modern Quran) to find similarities and uncertainties between the views of these two thinkers and discrepancies From the perspective of Allamah Tabatabai. Because the opinions of these two thinkers are in conflict, their comparison would be to find the searchers in the discovery of the truth. Allameh understands the truth of the revelation from the revelation itself. He considers the Qur'an a divine revelation, a miracle, with infallibility and a constant meaning. In his view, the truth of the Qur'an is eternal and it is in Umm al-Tabak. While Abu Zayd calls the Koran a human being. He calls the Qur'an a Prophet's word of history and culture, which has no fixed meaning. In his view, some beliefs have come from the culture of the age of decline in the Qur'an which are now obsolete in the present age.


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