Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Philosophy of Religion,

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Tehran, Farabi Campus


In this paper, I tried to elucidate Weber's view on the relationship between knowledge and religion as one of his most important views from the point of view of his "Sociology of Religion" and show how Weber's vision results in a conflict between knowledge in the general sense of it (including empirical sciences and Human) and religion. For this purpose, five main sections are considered. In the first section, the title introduces the map of the possible relationships between knowledge and religion, then in the second section, the coordinates of Weber's position in that map as one of the factors for the conflict between knowledge and religion is explained. In the third part of the article, criticisms of Weber's vision has been drawn up by considering  Wolterstorff's views, and finally, in the fourth section, with a critical study on Weber's position, I come up to a solution for the issue, named "conflict between knowledge and religion". This solution which includes a path that is presented to the religious scholars and scientists to discuss with each other so that both the domains of human thought, knowledge and religion, can be used methodically and philosophically in a well-known sociological structure. The final part of this article also focuses on the conclusion of the discussion.


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