Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Transcendent Wisdom, Tarbiat Modares University

2 Professor, Department of Philosophy and Wisdom, Tarbiat Modares University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy and Wisdom, Tarbiat Modares University


Farabi's view about the relationship between religion and philosophy can be studied in two stages: the creation and understanding stages. The relationship between religion and philosophy in the creation stage has different dimensions, some of which consider philosophy and religion as identical and some others believe that philosophy has priority over religion. In the stage of creation, the origin, the subjects and problems of philosophy and religion are the same, but in terms of language and time philosophy have priority over religion.Based on Farabi’s transition from a natural approach to revelatory approach, there are two versions of the approach prioritizinglanguage of philosophy which are known as "logical priority" and "epistemological priority". Farabi's view about the relationship between religion and philosophy in the creation is called “representation" whose most important element is prioritization of language priority of philosophy over religion. Despite the distinction between the two versions, the basic principles are the same. According to this theory, the religion is mimesis of philosophy that deals with persuasive methods. Nonetheless, religion and philosophy has some relation in the understanding stage too which is called "interpretation”. Accordingly, interpretation methods adopted by Farabi can be used to achieve religious philosophy and philosophical truths.
