Document Type : Original Article


Professor of Philosophy at Allameh Tabatabai University


In this paper, it is intended to show that monotheistic religions that believe in the existence of God and the event of resurrection can express that religions that deny these two facts are out of the circle of truth, because these two beliefs are based on objective realities, not subjugative matters that are the basis of the claims and arguments of pluralists. Then, the basic conditions of religiosity, i.e. worship and ethics-based behaviors, will be explained. Since religious beliefs and behaviors of believers of different religions are influenced by many non-optional factors, it is not easy to judge their faithful lives and in this regard, it is neither possible to defend pluralism nor exclusivism. However, the diversity of non-optional faithful lives does not contradict the fundamental beliefs of any religion to be evaluated rationally. Therefore, a religion that can achieve the greatest success in rational examination of its fundamental beliefs can speak of its truth against other religions.


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